Transfer Tests (AQE & GL)

In Northern Ireland, Transfer tests are considered as major milestone in student’s career. These tests are taken by AQE and GL boards. Securing good grades in Mathematics and English in this competitive exam is crucial to secure the place in a Grammar School. This step is a strong foundation for long term career planning. I am happy to coach students right from the beginning while paying special attention to their individual needs and designing tailored teaching styles. Please contact me for more information.

General Certificate Of Secondary Education (GCSE)

GCSE is an important foundation step for students who wants to start defining their final career objectives. In this crucial phase, it is important for them to feel comfortable with subjects like Chemistry. I offer friendly environment to students where they can express their difficulties with ease, and I work alongside the student as facilitator. Please contact me to find out what my past students think about me. References are available.

Advance Level Qualifications (A Levels)

Advance level qualifications, known as A levels are considered as stepping stone for higher education in well known universities or the university of your choice. For most scientific higher degree courses like medicines, chemistry, biomedical science etc, chemistry is considered one of the foundation subjects. At A level, knowing the subject at its core is as important as achieving good scores. I help students to understand the core subject principles with ease resulting into shining score in their A level exams. Please read students testimonials to see what my past students say about me.